Archive for the ‘phpBB Mods’ Category

phpBB3 Mods: Show Views In Topic & Change Registration Date

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

The two phpBB mods Show Views In Topic & Change Registration Date have been ported over to phpBB3. I saw a post on my one of my mods asking to port it to phpBB3. I knew basically nothing about the phpBB3 system and thought I’d give it a shot as these two mods weren’t that complicated and phpBB documentation has always been very good.

I just go ahead and download any MOD DB phpBB3 mod and view how they’ve released the mod and any specifics to it. Turns out the txt file that we use for phpBB2 is now is an XML file which links to a style sheet which looks quite nice. As it’s just an XML file I just go ahead and edit everything I need to. The code for the mods practically remained the same except for some slight changes such as how to handle input from the user, etc.

All in all it was much easier than it expected it would be.

Add Text to Title When Locking Topic v0.1.0

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

I’ve made another new phpBB mod called Add Text to Title When Locking Topic which allows the administrator or moderator to input some text and select whether the text will be added before or after the topic title.

They can then click the lock icon in the viewtopic page which will lock and add the text to the title. They can also select multiple topics from the moderator control panel and perform the same action as well.

Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.3

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts has been updated to v1.0.3 as a user was using heaps more text than I though people would. So instead of storing the text list in an array in the config table it’s now got it’s own table.

You can download v1.0.3 or upgrade from v1.0.2 here.

phpBB Mod: Use Email as Username

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

I’ve created a simple phpBB Mod called Use Email as Username which allows you to insert the email address that a user registers with as their username.

phpBB Mod: Member of the Day v1.0.0 Submitted to MOD-DB

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

The phpBB Mod: Member of the Day as requested by this post has been updated to v1.0.0 as it seems like an alright Mod I may as well submit it to the MOD-DB.

Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.2

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

There was a minor major problem with Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.1 which didn’t allow users to post anything as it kept giving them the BBcode not allowed until x posts message. So update to v1.0.2.

The problem was that instead of
[php]if ($post_message != $newmessage) {[/php]

it should of been

[php]if ($post_message != $bbencode_message) {[/php]

View Previous and Next PM accepted in MOD-DB

Saturday, November 25th, 2006

phpBB Mod View Previous and Next PM has been accepted in the MOD-DB.

Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.0 denied from MOD-DB

Saturday, November 18th, 2006

I submitted the phpBB Mod Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.0 to the MOD-DB and it has been denied for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons was I was using preg_replace when it would be better to just be using sprintf.
[php]$patterns[0] = ‘/%s/’;
$patterns[1] = ‘/%i/’;
$replacements[0] = $deny_text[$x];
$replacements[1] = $board_config[‘deny_post_restrict’];

$deny_text_error = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_error_text’]);[/php]

Another reason was I included text which already existing in the phpBB 2 default.
[php]$lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_delete_text’] = ‘Delete’;
$lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_information_text’] = ‘Information’;[/php]

Also because I used < BR /> instead of < br / > in:
[php]$output_message .= $lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_restriction_text’] . ” ” . $lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_error_more_than_zero’] . ”

And because I used htmlspecialchars() instead of intval():
[php]$id = htmlspecialchars($id);[/php]

Another reason is some characters weren’t been entering into the database properly.

Finally the last reason is that not all BBcode use the $bbcode_uid.

I’m happy to say that all these problems are now fixed and I’ve submittted v1.0.1 to the MOD-DB.

Remove Banned Users From Memberlist v1.0.2

Sunday, November 5th, 2006

Remove Banned Users From Memberlist has been updated to v1.0.2 as there was a problem with the pagination displaying more pages than there should be. Update to v1.0.2 from v1.0.1 here. I have submitted this change to the MODDB and now just have to wait for them to update the version to 1.0.2.

2 more phpBB Mods validated

Saturday, October 21st, 2006

phpBB Mods: Show Replies and Views in Topic and Remove Banned Users From Memberlist have both been validated by the phpBB MOD Team.