Archive for January, 2007

Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.2

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

There was a minor major problem with Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.1 which didn’t allow users to post anything as it kept giving them the BBcode not allowed until x posts message. So update to v1.0.2.

The problem was that instead of
[php]if ($post_message != $newmessage) {[/php]

it should of been

[php]if ($post_message != $bbencode_message) {[/php]

I’m back from vacations

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

Just to let people know, I’m back from my overseas vacation which lasted 2 months. I visited Argentina, Salta, Peru, Cusco and the USA. I’ll be posting pictures/videos as well as my experiences from each location either this week or next week.