Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.0 denied from MOD-DB

I submitted the phpBB Mod Deny Posting Text and BBcode Until x Posts v1.0.0 to the MOD-DB and it has been denied for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons was I was using preg_replace when it would be better to just be using sprintf.
[php]$patterns[0] = ‘/%s/’;
$patterns[1] = ‘/%i/’;
$replacements[0] = $deny_text[$x];
$replacements[1] = $board_config[‘deny_post_restrict’];

$deny_text_error = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_error_text’]);[/php]

Another reason was I included text which already existing in the phpBB 2 default.
[php]$lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_delete_text’] = ‘Delete’;
$lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_information_text’] = ‘Information’;[/php]

Also because I used < BR /> instead of < br / > in:
[php]$output_message .= $lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_restriction_text’] . ” ” . $lang[‘Deny_text_bbcode_error_more_than_zero’] . ”

And because I used htmlspecialchars() instead of intval():
[php]$id = htmlspecialchars($id);[/php]

Another reason is some characters weren’t been entering into the database properly.

Finally the last reason is that not all BBcode use the $bbcode_uid.

I’m happy to say that all these problems are now fixed and I’ve submittted v1.0.1 to the MOD-DB.

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